home ABOUT Operating company

Operating company

"Japanese Culinary Research Association Recipe!" is operated by AAJ(The Association for the Advancement of the Japanese Culinary Art).
For any inquiries regarding this website, please contact us at info@recipe-ru.com.

*Our organization is currently working remotely.
For any other inquiries, please contact us at the above email address.

Company Infomation

Trade name

Japan Culinary Research Association (http://www.nihonryori-ken.or.jp/)


Chairman Kensuke Miyake

Head office location

2-15-15-201 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Google maps

Date of establishment

August 1930 (Incorporated association established in May 1984)

Main business activities

Publication of a members-only Japanese cuisine magazine (monthly), operation of a recipe search site for professionals, hosting various events such as cooking seminars and exhibitions, marketing support for commercial manufacturers and wholesalers, overseas business

Net Worth

182 million yen (as of the end of March 2022)